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Lifespan map creation enhances stream restoration design

Codes and sample data

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Download this repository to create simple lifespan maps on a small map extent as explained in the open-access paper “Lifespan map creation enhances stream restoration design”. Please note that the entire dataset used in the lead paper is too big for this repository and we provided a large set of lifespan maps in the supplemental data file of the lead paper (multimedia component). This repository provides a small dataset within a basic Python code and with a PDF documentation.

For a flexible, enhanced and relevant experience of lifespan mapping please consider using River Architect. Read more about River Architects lifespan mapping module on its wiki pages.


Suggested citation:

Schwindt, S.; Pasternack, G.; Bratovich, P.; Rabone, G. & Simodynes, D. “Lifespan map creation enhances stream restoration design”. MethodsX, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2019.04.004

LaTex / Bibtex Users:

  author   = {Schwindt, S. and Pasternack, G.B. and Bratovich, P.M. and Rabone, G. and Simodynes, D.},
  title    = {Lifespan map creation enhances stream restoration design},
  journal  = {MethodsX},
  year     = {2019},
  issn     = {2215-0161},
  note     = {S2215-0161(19)30091-3},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.mex.2019.04.004},
  keywords = {Lifespan map creation, Eco-morphology, habitat enhancement, river management, stream restoration, sustainability, feature lifetime},
  url      = {},

Run codes

Use ESRI’s Python2 environment (provided with ArcMap) to run codes/ The required python.exe is typically stored in C:/Python27/ArcGISx6410.X/python.exe. For more information, read the code manual (code/Documentation/CodeDocumentation.pdf) or use River Architect (strongly recommended).