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Bottom slope influence on flow and bedload transfer through contractions

Data and codes

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Folder and file summary:

This repository contains data used in “Bottom slope influence on flow and bedload transfer through contractions”.

The data stem from laboratory experiments with the setup described in my PhD thesis (Schwindt 2017). Data processing was done with Python (see pydroscape) and Matlab / Octave codes.


Suggested citation:

Schwindt, S.; Franca, M. J. & Schleiss, A. J. “Bottom slope influence on flow and bedload transfer through contractions”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2018 , 57(2) , 197-210. doi: 10.1080/00221686.2018.1454519

LaTex / Bibtex Users:

  author    = {Schwindt, Sebastian and Franca, M\'ario J and Schleiss, Anton J},
  title     = {Bottom slope influence on flow and bedload transfer through contractions},
  journal   = {Journal of Hydraulic Research},
  year      = {2018},
  volume    = {57},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {197-210},
  doi       = {10.1080/00221686.2018.1454519},
  url       = {},


Signal processing was done with Python and the pydroscape) package. The data analyses where made with Matlab / Octave (.m) codes, where codes starting with an f[...].m mark files containing functions. All other .m files are algorithms that use these functions. Please note that all codes were originally written in Matlab and processing them with Octave may require adding pkg load io after the clear all; close all; statements in the codes.

Data structure

The data used in this paper incorporate the experiments used for the analyses in the paper “Effects of lateral and vertical constrictions on flow in rough steep channels with bedload”.

The RawData folder contains the raw data from the ultrasonic probe loggers, pump discharge logger, flow velocity (where applicable), sediment supply/outflow loggers, and constriction geometry. The RawData/ExperimentOverview.xlsx workbook contains overview tables of the conducted experiments.

The ProcessedData folder contains data that where extracted from the RawData folder. These data are stored in ProcessedData/S_0_percent/ANALYSISTYPE/DataAcquisition/ and the Matlab / Octave (.m) codes in that folder were used for extracting / converting the raw data. The ProcessedData/S_0_percent/ANALYSISTYPE/DataAcquisition/Exp_NNNNN.xls workbooks document each experimental run, where the maximum bedload passage is highlighted. ProcessedData/S_0_percent/ANALYSIS_TYPE/DataAcquisition/YYYYMMDD_data_ANALYSISTYPE.xlsx summarizes all relevant experiments for an ANALYSISTYPE (i.e., Non-constricted, Lateral, Vertical, or Combined).

The summarizing folders 00X_ include data refering to the relative upstream water depth h* (hxcr) and the Froude number (Fr0), which provides additional insights beyond the results discussed in the paper.

The ProcessedData/000_summary/ folder contains two workbooks that summarize the experiments in the non-constricted and the constricted flume, as well as Matlab / Octave (.m) codes for data processing.

The ProcessedData/001_regression_analysis/ folder contains Matlab / Octave (.m) codes for data regression (curves) shown in figures and tables. A workbook summarizes the calculated regression coefficients.

The ProcessedData/002_plots/ folder contains Matlab / Octave (.m) codes for producing the plots (figures) for the paper.

The Drance_Martigny/ folder contains Matlab / Octave (.m) codes and workbook of the case study of the Drance (VS, Switzerland).